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Bavarian sunset (Picture by Susanne Schuberth, colors enhanced by Michael Clark)

Bavarian Sunset – Picture by Susanne Schuberth, colors enhanced by Michael Clark

Today I want to point you to an article I wrote just before I began this rather long series on discerning the spirits. Honestly, those experiences I endured during the last weeks in order to learn more about evil spirits, specifically, about their different ways into our hearts and minds were tormenting. Nonetheless, I am glad I was allowed to learn these lessons and to get more and more confirmation from God that the very first voice we always perceive in our heart is indeed the voice of God. His voice is so subtle, so loving, and He never forcefully tells us what to do. Only when there is danger ahead, God urges us to go in a certain direction to protect us. However, Satan always tries to force his will on us. Sometimes the enemy uses other people to contradict God’s voice we clearly sensed before and thus tries to get us under his control again.

Dear brothers and sisters, as soon as we feel uneasy when someone pretends to speak for God, we ought to drop their message and to stop listening to them. Instead, we could immediately turn to God and ask for His guidance. Rest assured, He will give us all the wisdom we might need. James wrote,

“If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide him through a decision or circumstance], he is to ask of [our benevolent] God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him.” (Js 1:5 AMP)

Finally, here is the link to the post I announced before.

My Sheep Hear My Voice


In His great love for all of you,

❤ Susanne ❤