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After many years full of struggles, fears, doubts, pain, and suffering, I discovered, once again, that God can always be trusted. He keeps His promises even if we can hardly believe them during our darkest times. There were several times when we as a family thought that we would lose our daughter as her life was at stake. But God eventually saved her and pulled her close to His heart. I have been humbled by His wondrous ways of dealing with us little human beings again and I am thankful beyond measure!

Yesterday in the evening I really felt I wanted to write a new poem after almost four years of inspirational inactivity as to this very issue. Yet I was sooo tired (zzzzzzzzzzzz) and thus I took a ‘prayer nap’ instead. However, I felt a particular word reverberating in my mind. It was, “YOU…..YOU…..YOU…..” – “That would be a very short poem, my Lord, indeed!” I thought.  😉

It was only a few hours later as our daughter sent me a screenshot via WhatsApp. She told me that she felt ‘nudged’ to write a poem. Her first word was…. of course…. YOU.  🙂 Although the poem was written in German, I decided to translate it quickly, not yet sure whether to publish it or not. Today in the afternoon I suddenly felt inspired to keep writing a poem, surrounding hers, myself. If you are interested, here you are.

Susanne Schuberth's Poetry


When darkness subsides

And true life abides

Confusion clears up

All delusion is cupped


Where light has come in

His life can begin

The seeds start to grow

As the weeds are set low

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